  Gosh, thinking about how much I enjoyed our sessions is making me long for one!....-:). I think what strikes me about you is your passion to know more and "go deeper" as evidenced by all the different modalities that you have sought out, learned, and incorporated into your body/spirit work. It makes for a more profound healing experience. I have found that the combination of physical bodywork and energy healing that you incorporate is truly profound . In addition to the wonderful pain relief I experienced from chronic back pain and osteoarthritis; I also experienced a wonderful lightness and spiritual healing as well. Those folks in Montana are lucky to have you, Carolyn. Good luck and congratulations on your new life! 


Certainly you are aware that you resonate at a much more healing vibration...duh...not all folks that purport to help others come to the table with your vibrational experience...



As I read your letter I recognized my own blind spot. Usually when I talk to some one about this stuff they turn around and point out that I really do have all my answers if I allow myself to see.
Your answers, as I see them, are in your own questions.
1.    "I experience the healer as being within the person I work with, and I see my responsibility is to come into relationship with this health within and watch it orchestrate more vibrant health." 
2.  " My work is my passion and I love it, I am juiced by my thirst for learning whatever I can to be of better service to those who come to me."
Thanks for the thoughts to ponder.


What you’re doing sounds really exciting. I’m happy to hear that things are moving in a positive way for you. It seems like you have the ability to do that so effortlessly. It is really amazing to see.

I’ll do my best to share what I have experienced about your work.

I felt that the experience of having you work on my body and move and adjust me was only partially responsible for the healing feelings I felt. Our conversations about my life, your willingness to listen, and your openness with your own life helped me immensely. Sharing more than just body movement helped me open up other parts of me that I hadn’t been willing to before. In that way I was more alive and happy after our sessions.

I think you are able to get beyond a “block” in the person you are working with by being open. You exude openness and light and I think that helps others to open up and be healed or cleansed or fixed or whatever it is they need.

Your work with me was hugely helpful and fun. I miss you and being worked on by you.

Thank you for continuing to share your life. It brings me joy to hear you are doing so well.


I would  say that you have the ability to help people into a new sense of awareness of energy potential and it's the awareness that allows the healing to start moving or move farther than it would without the awareness.  New sensations occur!! I remember feeling, "Wow, this is a new sense of my body and its connection to energy everywhere," That fanned my curiousity and also the possibility of healing to a flame. You are a gifted facilitator of healing. You may not like the term "healer" but it is the public's shortcut word. The general public accepts that some people are expert at reading faces and can assess a person's mood at a glance, that American Natives could read the ground so expertly they could track like no one else, that some who farm the land can read the weather coming by the behaviours of animals and the smells on the wind long before it comes, that a good diagnostitian can see signs of disorder without a slew of tests.  All of these are commonly known and accepted forms of skill aided by intuition. You are a very well-educated, informed and intuitive energy worker. I can't think of a better word...You fill in the blank!  



Hello Lindy!
What a tremendous honor and experience you have been given to share your journey! Although I appreciate the fact that I have had limited exposure to the full depth of your talents, I believe that I can easily share the awakening you have provided me through our time together. I completely agree with your perspective regarding your mission to heal, for the manner in which you approach your work is completely selfless and allows the client to enter a mindful place that is entirely their own. I believe that this is fundamentally important, for true healing can only happen when an individual begins to unravel the complicated web of dysfunction that has led them to their personal ills and some "healers" only add another layer to that through their approach. Of all the techniques that you have shared with me, the one common thread has been the personal journey that you have awakened within me. As a healthcare professional I am only too aware of how common it is for people to normalize that which is not at all normal over long periods of time, both consciously and unconsciouly. It is this level of compensating that fosters the progression of illness while attempting to carry on a "normal" life. The polarily session you gave me made me aware of the areas within my body that harbored my pain, physically and emotionally. After the session I became more aware of these areas and how I was feeling physically, which led to a heightened level of spiritual insight into the causes of my pain. I had been totally disconnected, ignoring the symptoms my body was providing me as a result of imbalance between my mind, body and spirit.
The time we spent together in Maine during your massage therapy training was one of the most precious times of my life. I was in a very, very wounded state, as you well know. Your presence in my family's life during that time provided a channel through which we began to heal. Your spirit, energy, intelligence, generosity and quest to continually improve yourself for the welfare of others was, and still is, contagious! With your help the boys and I were able to begin working through the layers of our pain in an environment that you helped us build that was safe. You helped us all regain trust and the belief that we could and would be happy and balanced in our lives, something we had completely lost connection with. The massage you practiced allowed each one of us to let go of our emotional baggage one session at a time, an experience that was entirely necessary in order to reach the physical. You also realized the boundaries of your work and when it was time to let us progress on our own. As difficult as it was to see you leave, you once again created an environment in which an awakening developed toward ills that only we could and should be addressing ourselves in order to continue to move forward.
If I had to use a term to describe the work that you do I would call you a muse. Your work is inspired, or so it seems to me, by the life imbalance and suffering of both yourself and others. Your talents and knowledge combine to create an experience that is symbiotic from my perspective, for I always felt that both you and I had gained something from our time together. It is that connection that makes you so unique in my mind. I hope I have helped you find some clarity for your piece, but at the very least you now know how grateful I am to have you as a friend and how important you have been to myself and the boys!
With love,


It seems like your work is so amazing because you're not afraid to learn about and incorporate a wide variety of techniques and methods, regardless of the source.  You are not wed to one system or idea, and I've seen you change and incorporate new techniques which are all devoted to helping your patients heal faster and better.

As for being a "healer", what I've always noticed is that I do in fact go through profound shifts and healing moments when we're in a session.  One way to describe what I experience during these sessions is that there's time for reflection and thought, sort of a stillness from ordinary life where forces go to work to get me back in shape and alligned and feeling good.

It's sort of like you create the space and conditions for our body/mind/spirit to come together to do their work.  While it may not be you that is doing the healing directly, you and your actions and knowledge are put to good use to allow that very thing to happen.

So you become one with the healing, and allow the forces to be to be.

During sessions I always find that certain random thoughts come to mind, and as soon as I recognize or process them an instaneous release or shift occurs, like you're bringning my attention to the very thing that is holding me back or causing problems, and once it becomes conscious it goes away.

So, yes, you do help your patients heal, though I can see why you disagree with the healer label at the same time.

Speaking of, I keep dreaming of getting a session from you because I've been so stressed/hectic that not had much time to get into that quiet healing place and to just let things go.

People should know that you are doing great work, and I wish you the best of success starting and building up your new practice!



So good to hear from  you, Carolyn. I'm happy the move has been such a good one for you.

I fear that your question requires (and deserves) a really careful and considered response. And if I wait and try to give it the time it deserves,  I may not get to it. So I will try to answer it as best I can now.

As to the healer label, I guess I would agree with you that you don't heal per se. What I think you do is identify where healing is needed or where something is not right. (Don't know if I ever told you what I learned last winter -- that I have a tumor in my right thigh and a cyst in my right calf. You were very clear about there being obstructions in my right leg.)  I thought it was remarkable how you had sensed the obstruction.  Beyond that, I think you heal in the sense of connecting to one's spirit. Your very engagement has a healing effect.  So I guess I'd say, you don't intend to heal the way a medical person heals, but you heal in a broader sense through touch and your total engagement with the person. You see on a very deep level.

I think what is most unique about you is that you "read" the person and offer what you sense is needed. As opposed to the massage therapist who does a standard routine for all people, i.e. for x$ you get x amount of time with or without heated stones. I always felt you were going much deeper, were aware of all things about me on a much deeper level, and you were addressing so much more than what someone had taught you to do. At any given session, I knew you were there completely in the moment, attentive to what you sensed with me, and addressing what you sensed I needed.

I miss you, as well! It cheers me to know this was a good change for you. When I get overwhelmed, I think of you and all the change you had to cope with. You're definitely an inspiration for me.


Healing facilitator
Pure connection to creator allows a clear channel to reflect back to those receiving so they are “tuned in”


You worked with me just once, as I recall.  What stuck with me about our session was exactly what you convey in your first point: you were not there to heal me, but to help me notice and remove the blocks to my healing myself.  In our work together, you're attuned to both where my pathways to healing lie, and how I might open up to them--probably in ways that I needed a nudge to see or rediscover.  Sure, I am the healer, but a facilitator working with me rather than on me helps free up the flow of my natural healing powers.  Your helping identify the imbalance or redirect the focus of awareness in myself as the enabling cure I hadn't seen, that's the benefit of our collaboration. 


Hello, dearest Carolyn.   I'm amused that my son got here before me .- but actually very impressed at what he said (above). I think it's very similar to what I might have come up with on my own - but probably, given the rather large differences between him and me, not  precisely the same.  The fact is, who you are, and what you communicate, are very unique to you:  in general I would tend to call it (for lack of a perfect description) 'beyond words' . But it begins with what he points out; namely that you have a supreme gift of evoking what's  already there, in your client, waiting to be discovered. When I leave you, I usually don't feel that's you've 'changed me' in some way - nor even that you've taught me something I wouldn't have known otherwise. What you've done is remind me of someting I already know. That's the point: you invite me to join you  in that 'already knowing' place, and this is a a gift that 's very precious.I wouldn't have gotten there on my own, even though I already 'knew it'.
It reminds me of the dowsing experience. There's nothing spooky about it: what it tells me (again) is 'what I already know' - only it's what my Higher Self knows, as opposed the the conscious self who asked the question. And it does so because I've first contacted Lower Self (that which we share with the Creatures) which is always in contact with Higher Self.  That's the part of me which holds the dowsing device, which responds by muscular movements - and which Conscious Self picks up as the wise answer it's been waiting for.
I think, at least for me, you do this largely by conversation  - and then what completes  the process is your vast expertise in massage and osthiopathy and cranial sacral ... so you can intuit what body work may be appropriate. That's definitely an essential part - but only after the conversation has opened the  doors.
Blessings, my dear one, for all the richness that's energing.     And much much love.


Hi Carolyn,
I am "intuiting" that something you described about your summer "Advanced Anatomy" class at Dartmouth, with the surgeons, may be germane - at least the feedback you got from the eldest one;  (This refers to a compliment I received from a neurosurgeon with 50 years experience, 30 included teaching.)
 I'm also thinking of a referral you made to a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner-which was quite an appropriate referral. It was the first time any "clinician" asked me (the chart I had to fill out about the incident(s), had a column for "resources")  what "resources" I had at my disposal at the time of the traumatic incident(s)--including spiritual, other people, my own sense of mastery over previous traumas, etc., and I'm grateful to have had enough body/energy/spiritual work with you to have been effectively able to "tune in" to my own body, and to recognize additional spiritual resources I learned from you, to effectively do the Somatic Experiencing.


Your intentions manifest in your relationship with your 'clients'. What is so special to me about you and your skill/talent is exactly what matters most to you: trust, building a relationship, honestly sharing yourself with those you help, and the depth of your commitment.
In my own experience (I'm thinking of my horrible hand problem- when I couldn't bend my fingers), you came to me at work, which was out of your way and a very generous (typical of you?) gesture. You were determined to help me get at the root cause of the problem, and instead of just dismissing it and going on your way, you were sincerely concerned, and brought about an awareness in me of other influences that I could control to help make myself better (such as not holding tension in my shoulder). I think that is very important; it's like a teacher who is not just a 'sage on the stage' but teaches her students to think and enjoy learning. Instead of being a 'healer', I agree with you that more importantly, you work a person's "health within" to bring about "more vibrant health". That is at the core of the good work you do. I truly feel that we are capable of bringing about healing energy if we understand what is wrong and how to change it.
I agree with you that there are many very talented and wonderful practitioners in your field. Your recognition of that in your humility; as well as your passion and dedication, and skill, are what place you among them.  Your 'clients' are put at ease by your demeanor, helped by your skill, and feel sincerely cared for by your focused attention.
I'm sorry if this doesn't sound 'grand', but to me it really is as simple as you say, and I'm a great believer in simplicity. But you have a lovely way with words; I liked your expression that you are "breathing patience into your eagerness", in your earlier email to me. Trust that your insight and honesty truly resonates with others!
Meanwhile... I am trying to maintain a vibrant state of health as I continue my chemotherapy, which I must do as long as it continues to be effective. ... So, chemo it is, and everything else I can possibly do to stay positive. I'm trying hard, though I must admit sometimes I just get tired...
I'm so glad that your are settling in there, and I hope that more work comes your way, which will undoubtedly happen once word gets around.




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